Program committee

Name Affiliation
Olivier Danvy Yale-NUS College
Andy Gill X, the Moonshot Factory
Johan Jeuring Utrecht University
Thomas Reps University of Wisconsin-Madison
Shigeru Chiba University of Tokyo
Marcos Viera University of the Republic
Gabriele Keller University of New South Wales
Harald Søndergaard University of Melbourne
Ralf Lämmel University of Koblenz-Landau
Simon Gay University of Glasgow
Fritz Henglein chair University of Copenhagen
Nada Amin University of Cambridge
Ronald Garcia University of British Columbia
Norman Ramsey Tufts University
Oleg Kiselyov Tohoku University
Tiark Rompf Purdue University
Sriram Rajamani Microsoft Research India
Simon Peyton Jones Microsoft Research Cambridge
Ezgi Çiçek Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Kohei Suenaga Kyoto University
Sergei Romanenko Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics
Peter Sestoft IT University of Copenhagen
Hsiang-Shang Ko chair Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Julia Lawall Inria
Nobuko Yoshida Imperial College London
Anastasia Izmaylova IMC Financial Markets
Wolfram Schulte Facebook
Martin Vechev ETH Zurich
Frank Pfenning Carnegie Mellon University